How To Make The Most Of Your Covid-19 Support Loan

Written by Alwin Goh

Many companies might find themselves facing financial difficulties due to the Covid-19 pandemic. But do you know that there are many government schemes to financially support local businesses, especially Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)? If you are a business owner, here is what you need to know to make the most out of your Covid-19 support loan.

Covid-19 Support Loans: Temporary Bridging Loan Programme (TBLP) And More

When it comes to Covid-19 support loans, a prominent example that may come to mind is the TBLP.

The TBLP is a government-assisted loan that provides firms access to working capital for their business needs regardless of sector.

Eligible firms can borrow up to S$5 million from participating financial institutions and banks for applications until 31 March 2021, and S$3 million for applications from 1 April 2021 to 30 September 2021.

The maximum repayment period is 5 years, with the interest rate capped at 5% per annum. Even though the TBLP is managed by Enterprise Singapore (ESG), the approval of your loan is still dependent on the assessment of the participating financial institutions (PFIs) you are borrowing from.

The government is providing 90% risk-share on loans initiated from 8 April 2020 to 30 March 2021, and 70% risk-share for applications from 1 April 2021 to 30 September 2021. However, you are still liable to pay back 100% of the amount you have borrowed. 

You can apply for multiple temporary bridging loans under different PFIs, but the maximum amount you can borrow across all the PFIs is still capped at S$5 million. 

If your business has been affected by the pandemic, you can consider applying for the TBLP. 

Want a quick understanding of the TBLP? Read this article here to know 9 key facts about this Covid-19 support loan. 

However, if you still need more cash flow or your TBLP application keeps getting rejected, there is no need to worry. There are other Covid-19 support loans that you can turn to. 

For example, you can explore taking a business loan from private financial institutions like Capitall

From bridging loans to business lines of credit, we have a diverse range of business loans that can be tailored to suit your needs and tide you through. In addition, approval can be as quick as within 24 hours.

Head over here to explore the funding help that we can offer.

How To Spend Your Covid-19 Support Loan Effectively

Infographic listing the different ways to spend your Covid-19 support loan effectively.
It’s crucial to have a plan on how the loan will be used.

Getting your business loan approved is only the first step. The next step is equally critical: knowing what to do with the extra funds. These are some steps you can take to fully maximise your loan. 

1. Plan Out How The Covid-19 Support Loan Will Be Used

You should already start making a detailed plan on how you will spend the money even before you secure your loan. 

Be strategic about how you are going to spend your loan, and be specific when planning allocation of expenses. 

By planning beforehand, you can identify specific areas of your business that need the most cash. Doing so also allows you to take advantage of time-sensitive opportunities that may come your way.

Remember to set a budget for the expenses and stick to it to ensure you don’t end up spending the capital faster than expected.

Even though the best way to utilise your funds can depend on factors like your industry and the situation, there are a few areas that will generally benefit from having more money pumped in.

Inventory And Equipment

If you are selling products, you can replenish your stock by purchasing inventory. You can also update your inventory and broaden your product range to keep existing customers happy and bring in new customers.

It might also be a good time to purchase new and improved equipment or upgrade existing equipment. Take this opportunity to bring your business to a new level, whether by purchasing new machinery to increase efficiency or embarking on a digital transformation to streamline processes.

If you are in the delivery business, you could consider using these funds to get new vehicles, hire more drivers, or improve your delivery processes.

Are you a business in need of a fleet of vehicles? Capitall’s auto finance loan can help you. Read more about it in this article. 

Operational Expenses

In these economically challenging times, your profit may have been taking a dip even while your operational expenses remain constant. 

You might still have to bear the same costs for rent, utilities, employee salaries, and other expenses. If these regular operational expenses are significant, you can consider delegating a part of your loan to help defray the costs. 

Marketing And Advertising

Marketing might not feel like a top priority right now. However, there is no better time for your company to make itself known. 

Marketing and advertising is an important investment that can help you further grow your business and draw in new clients. 

It’s worthwhile investing into areas like search engine optimisation (SEO), advertising, digital marketing, and other related areas to improve your brand presence and get more business. After all, people are spending more and more time online these days.

Here is a quick recap of the business areas that you can consider using your Covid-19 support loan for. 

Business areaWhy you may want to channel funds here
Inventory and equipmentBy introducing new products, you get to keep existing customers interested and pull in new ones. Upgrading your equipment or purchasing better ones can help your business be much more efficient.
Operational expensesIf these expenses are proving to be too heavy, a Covid-19 support loan can help you keep the business running and retain employees.
Marketing and advertisingMore and more people have been spending time online since the pandemic. You can take advantage of this by boosting your online presence.

2. Introduce A New Product Or Service

If you already have a loyal customer base, you might want to focus on retaining them. 

Having a new product or service can be useful in maintaining your old customer base, as well as attract new customers. For example, businesses like Starbucks and McDonalds are always pushing out new offerings to keep customers coming back.

Introducing new products or services also differentiates your company from the rest of your competition and helps you stay ahead.

3. Repay Existing Debts With The Covid-19 Support Loan

Your loan can also be used to repay other debts, especially if you took out some loans before the pandemic and are struggling to meet the repayments now.

It may be a good idea to repay your existing debts, especially if the interest for those debts are higher than that of your Covid-19 support loan. 

Furthermore, by paying off your existing loans, all your debts will be consolidated into one place for easier management of repayments. 

4. Put The Covid-19 Support Loan In A Separate Account

It’s advisable to place your loan in a separate account when you receive it, and transfer funds to your business spending account only when required. 

This could help to make you more conscious in your spending since there is an added step before spending. This is also a good practice if you want to avoid impulsive spending with your extra funds.

This can also help you better track your expenses so that you do not unwittingly spend too much of your loan on expenses you did not plan for.

5. Implement Checks And Balances

Businessman getting ready to spend from a business debit card
It’s best to have a system in place that ensures funds are used judiciously.

Another way to ensure that you don’t overspend your Covid-19 support loan is to implement checks and balances. Create good operational controls to monitor your cash such as having a procedure to authorise the release of funds.

By requiring all expenses to be approved regardless of the amount, you can avoid impulsive or unplanned spending. 

With an approval process in place, cheaper alternatives for expense items could possibly be suggested along the way, and the purchase can be evaluated to ensure it is really a necessity.

Implementing checks and balances also makes it easier to keep track and record your company’s expenditure.

6. Only Buy Top-of-the-line Equipment When Absolutely Necessary

It might be tempting to splurge on the newest and best equipment when you have more capital at your disposal. However, you might want to think twice.

Consider whether you actually need the equipment. While it may be more advanced, top-of-the-line technology can become updated fast. If an older model can meet your business needs, it might be more prudent to get it instead.

Only spend on such equipment if you actually require the specifications to run your business as planned. 

If you are unlikely to fully maximise the equipment’s features, you should not get it just for the sake of having the latest piece of technology.

7. Plan Out On How To Repay The Covid-19 Support Loan

Even before your loan is approved, you should start making plans on how you will repay it. 

Make sure you know how much to pay and when to do so, because missing out on a payment can increase the amount of interest and fees.

Schedule your loan repayments into your calendar and make sure that the loan can be fully repaid. Ready to apply for a Covid-19 support loan now that you know how to make the best of one? Apply here for a business loan with Capitall to get you through these tougher times.


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The pandemic has severely impacted Singapore’s economy and affected many companies, especially Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). To support local firms, the government has rolled out several schemes for businesses. If you are reading this article, chances are that you applied for the Temporary Bridging Loan Programme (TBLP). In this article, we provide several options […]

Business Loan Covid-19 Support Loan: Loan Programmes Every Business Should Know

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused economies worldwide to fall into a recession. With domestic-oriented sectors severely affected, Singapore’s economy is expected to take longer to recover than from past recessions. As of 30 October 2020, more than 20,000 people have been retrenched. In September 2020, our unemployment rate rose to 3.6%. Businesses have been struggling […]

Business Loan 7 FAQs About The Temporary Bridging Loan Programme (TBLP) For SMEs

It has been a year since the pandemic started, yet many firms are still reeling from its impact. Over 5,000 firms have borrowed about S$4.5 billion from government-assisted schemes to meet short-term costs, like rent, salaries, and contingencies. The Singapore government has rolled out several initiatives to support firms, including the Temporary Bridging Loan Programme […]

Business Loan 9 Key Facts About The Temporary Bridging Loan Programme (TBLP)

Many businesses have been affected by COVID-19. Over 27,000 business entities have shut down from March to November 2020, as the pandemic continues to put a severe strain on the Singapore economy. However, the government has put forth a slew of programmes and schemes to support businesses during this period. In this article, we summarise […]

Business Loan 5 Ways You Can Use The Temporary Bridging Loan Programme (TBLP) To Sustain Your Business

COVID-19 has affected businesses around the world — some more than others. Whether you are an MNC in a supply chain business or an SME in the media industry, your business has likely faced certain difficulties during this period. To help businesses pivot to survive the unprecedented challenges brought about by COVID-19, the Singapore government […]

Business Loan Covid-19 Support Loans Businesses In Singapore Can Take

Given the economic impact of Covid-19, many businesses around the world have taken a hit. In Singapore alone, as many as 457 retailers have closed down in September 2020. But it is not all doom and gloom for businesses in Singapore, as Covid-19 support loans are available to help them tide through this tough period.  […]

Business Loan 7 Reasons Your Temporary Bridging Loan Programme (TBLP) Application May Have Been Rejected

Getting a loan application rejected is the last thing businesses want, especially during this tough period. If you applied for the Temporary Bridging Loan Programme (TBLP) but your application was rejected, knowing the possible reasons for its rejection can help you improve your chances for future loan applications.  What Is The Temporary Bridging Loan Programme […]

Business Loan A Guide To The Temporary Bridging Loan Programme (TBLP)

Is your business looking for short-term financing support to alleviate its cash flow needs? The Temporary Bridging Loan Programme (TBLP) can open up access to more working capital for your business, helping it bounce back stronger.  As a bridging loan, the TBLP provides immediate cash flow via a fast application and approval process, thus allowing […]

Media Business Insider | Capital C Corporation Announces Partnership and Digital Onboarding Plans To Meet Today’s Evolving Consumer and Business Communities

Capital C Corporation (“Capital C“) announces its partnership with Citystate Group. The joint-venture, Capitall Auto Financial Services Pte Ltd., marks Capital C’s foray into Singapore’s auto-financing market. This builds up Capital C’s existing portfolio of financial services for individuals and businesses. With deeper integration to Singapore’s National Digital Identity platform initiative, Capital C is poised for more growth in […]

Media yahoo!finance | Capital C Corporation Announces Partnership and Digital Onboarding Plans To Meet Today’s Evolving Consumer and Business Communities

Capital C Corporation (“Capital C“) announces its partnership with Citystate Group. The joint-venture, Capitall Auto Financial Services Pte Ltd., marks Capital C’s foray into Singapore’s auto-financing market. This builds up Capital C’s existing portfolio of financial services for individuals and businesses. With deeper integration to Singapore’s National Digital Identity platform initiative, Capital C is poised for more growth in […]

Company Capital C Corporation Announces Partnership and Digital Onboarding Plans To Meet Today’s Evolving Consumer and Business Communities

Capital C Corporation partners CityState Group to launch Capitall Auto Financial Services Capital C Corporation integrates more of National Digital Identity platform to meet underserved consumers with more user-friendly FinTech services 19 November 2020 — Capital C Corporation (“Capital C“) announces its partnership with Citystate Group. The joint-venture, Capitall Auto Financial Services Pte Ltd., marks […]

Business Loan How Does Getting An Sme Working Capital Loan Help My Business?

Taking a working capital loan in Singapore is common among SMEs. In short, a working capital loan is a specialised type of loan designed to help businesses cover daily operational costs.  Unlike other business loans, working capital loans generally do not need you to state the purpose of borrowing, as these loans are short-term and […]

Business Loan How Much Should You Get For Your SME Working Capital Loan

If you’ve been following this space, you would know that we’ve been discussing what working capital loans are and how they can benefit SME businesses. Working capital loans help SMEs finance day to day operations and provide short term solutions to pressing challenges such as seasonal fluctuations and downturns. Perhaps your business needs to take […]

Business Loan 5 Common Misconceptions On Getting A Business Loan In Singapore

Thinking of striking it out on your own? Do you have big plans and an ambitious vision but don’t have enough capital yet? Getting a business loan in Singapore might just be the first step you need to take! Many business owners hesitate to take a business loan due to a range of reasons. It’s […]

Business Loan Why Your Business Loan In Singapore Might Have Been Rejected

There’s nothing more frustrating than to find out that your business loan application has been rejected.  Business owners look to banks and financial institutions to get business loans for a myriad of reasons. Whether it is to expand, innovate, or to cover day to day operations, having access to funds at the right time is […]

Business Loan Business Loan In Singapore: 6 Tips To Increase Your Approval Chances

Does your business need a loan? Have you already tried applying for loans in the past but got rejected?  In Singapore, it’s almost impossible to go about building up your business without getting a business loan. Having your business loan rejected can be extremely troublesome.  If you have been following this space, we have previously […]

Business Loan 6 Reasons Why SMEs Take Business Loans In Singapore

In Singapore, 65% of the economy is made up of SMEs. From e-commerce startups to financial products, there are all sorts of SMEs in the Singapore market. With a high saturation of competitors in different markets, growing your business is extremely challenging in Singapore.  On top of stiff competition, SMEs also face the challenges of […]

Business Loan Avoid These 6 Mistakes When Applying For A Business Loan In Singapore

Starting a company can be a challenging feat. Not only must you have a good business idea, but you must also get enough capital. That’s not even considering all the countless administrative matters to handle. The first part, getting a good idea, is often already established when the company is founded. However, most companies struggle […]

Business Loan SME Working Capital Loan: 6 Types Of Short Term Financing Options To Boost Your Working Capital

Running a business costs money. If you are an experienced business owner, you would know that it is not easy to run a startup in Singapore. From employees’ pay to inventory, or even just turning the lights on, the cost of day to day operations adds up. That is why loans are unavoidable when you […]

Business Loan Working Capital Loan For SMEs: 5 Essential Questions To Ask When Taking One

Have you ever considered taking a business loan to meet the financial needs of your Small and Medium Enterprise (SME)? If yes, you probably have heard of working capital loans for SMEs. In short, working capital is the money companies use for daily operational expenses. Managing your working capital properly can be challenging for an […]

Business Loan Digital Presence and E-Seller loans in Singapore

As the world is moving at a fast pace, the society is converting into a cashless society. People are more likely to be digitally active and doing business. Online selling and buying have become a new business market. The new generation is drawn towards the trend and soon the world will convert into a society […]

Business Loan 7 Ultimate Reasons Why Successful SMEs Get a Business Loan

Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) continue to be one of the biggest players in Singapore’s economy. Based on a survey conducted by SME Magazine, SMEs continue to grow amid economic difficulties. The data also showed that the average revenue increases by about 109% than the previous year. As SMEs increases in numbers, we have observed […]

Personal Finance How to Manage Your Finance?

Managing your finances is a very tedious task especially for the ones who don’t understand accounts and finance at all. Most of us, even the ones who have just stepped adulthood have a job. We may have our own startup, work in an MNC, or maybe a government employee. We are here to let you […]

Media CNA | The Entrepreneur 2019

This series celebrates the achievements of 10 businessmen and women who prove to have what it takes to break boundaries and emerge as winners of Singapore’s Entrepreneur of the Year Awards (EYA).

Media | 10 Business Leaders Recognised as Entrepreneur of the Year

From training aspiring pilots to lending money, 10 local entrepreneurs received the Entrepreneur of the Year Award (EYA) 2019.

Media MoneyFM89.3 | The Breakfast Huddle

Find out how local firms are helping F&B SMEs scale their businesses.

Media The Business Times | CEO Conversation: Transforming into a Digital Financial Services Provider

Singapore-based Capital C Corporation has come a long way since the inception of its money lending arm in 2011.

Media e27 | The Case for Alternative Lending

In the last decade, we have witnessed rapid growth in the alternative lending space, with the creation of new business models opening up the range of alternative lending products available.

Media APAC CIO Outlook | How Fintech is Driving Innovative Lending

In Singapore, SMEs account for around two-thirds of the workforce and a large chunk of GDP growth.

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