Personal Finance

Personal Finance Should You Provide Hire Purchase As An Option For Your Customers?

As a business owner, you may be thinking of ways to offer greater value to retain your customers and build customer loyalty. Whether you are a furniture retailer, car dealer, or are in the business of selling big-ticket goods, instalment payment plans, hire purchases, or other financing options may be what you need to keep […]

Personal Finance What Is The Cost Of Owning A Car In Singapore?

A car is possibly the biggest purchase you might make aside from buying a house. We always hear or know that owning a car, especially in Singapore, is expensive. But do you know the actual cost of owning a car in Singapore? First, what makes a car so expensive to own in Singapore? Singapore has […]

Personal Finance What To Consider Before Buying An Asset Via Hire Purchase

Sometimes, an item we need may be too expensive for us to make full payment upfront. A hire purchase could be the right choice if you don’t want to tie your money down and prefer to have monthly repayments. So what is the difference between a hire purchase, a leasing plan, and an instalment plan? […]

Personal Finance A Simple Guide To Hire Purchase In Singapore

Need to buy a big ticket item like a car or motorcycle but don’t have sufficient funds? Whether you are looking to finance your car or motorcycle purchase for personal or business use, hire purchase can help with it.  In this article, we share more about the meaning of hire purchase and how it works […]

Personal Finance What Are The Benefits And Drawbacks Of Hire Purchase Agreements?

If you are thinking of buying an asset or expensive item and you do not have sufficient funds on hand, you may consider taking up a hire purchase arrangement.  Hire purchase agreements are a popular option for those who wish to purchase items that cost thousands of dollars, such as cars or heavy machinery.  In […]

Personal Finance How to Manage Your Finance?

Managing your finances is a very tedious task especially for the ones who don’t understand accounts and finance at all. Most of us, even the ones who have just stepped adulthood have a job. We may have our own startup, work in an MNC, or maybe a government employee. We are here to let you […]

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